Our Projects
Contact UsFormer Brickworks and Landfill Site
Redstart completed the Remediation and Enabling works of a former brickworks and Landfill prior to development of 24 Residential Properties
Redstart have completed remediation and enabling works to facilitate the construction of a low-rise residential development with a Memorial Forest on a parcel of land formerly occupied by a Brickworks and historical Landfill. Redstart have also installed a Gas vent trench as part of the ongoing mitigation of risks from the former landfill. Material Management Plans were prepared by Redstart for the sustainable re-use of material on the site of origin and the import of clean naturally occurring materials for the Gardens and Memorial Forest cover.

Key information
Geo-Environmental Consulting / Remediation
Former Brickworks and Landfill Site
Bury, Greater Manchester
Redstart undertook a Remediation and Enabling Works scheme which included:Under QP declared CL:AIRE Material Management Plan the Excavation, Breaking, Processing, Movement and Validation of all former Landfill materials from within the development footprint to the existing main bulk of Landfill to the East of the development Area.Managed removal and burial of invasive plant species (Japanese Knotweed) in specially designed burial Cell. Installation of a bespoke Gas Vent Trench designed to (i) mitigate gas migration from the former landfill to the new development and (ii) intercept surface water runoff containing elevated iron and methane which had been previously collected by a land drain prior to discharge off-site under existing discharge consent.Validation testing of the underlying materials remaining within the development area and validation testing of any cover materials imported under MMP for the Memorial Forest or Garden areas.
Let's discuss your project
If you'd like to get in touch please call us to discuss your project.
+44 (0)161 260 1333
However if you'd prefer to use the enquiry form please send us your details and we will get in touch with you.