Services / Remediation

At Redstart our core business is contaminated land remediation

At Redstart our core business is contaminated land remediation. We understand the risks posed by contaminated land and the impact of remediation on foundation requirements. We are well versed in the sustainable re-use of materials to provide the most cost-effective remediation solution. We have in-house consultants to oversee our work and can work in conjunction with third-party consultants to ensure timely receipt of regulatory approvals.

Our remediation service includes:

Remediation Contracting

Redstart offers a range of contamination remediation and enabling works solutions for soil, groundwater and ground gas issues. We normally prepare sites in readiness of residential or commercial development and aim to deliver our work in the most sustainable, cost effective way. We can work to a third-party remediation strategy or you can retain Redstart to complete a remediation strategy for your site.

Removal of Relict Foundations

Restart can complete enabling works to remove constraints to construction such as relict foundations and drainage. The process is undertaken carefully in order to preserve the structure of the natural ground as much as possible and to provide the optimum foundation solution.

Bulk Earthworks

Redstart can complete volumetric modelling to determine quantities for earthworks cut-fill soil movements. We can manage the sequential re-engineering of soils to achieve a suitable safe bearing capacity for the proposed structures.

Invasive Plant Species

Redstart operatives are qualified in the use of herbicides for treatment of invasive plant species such as Japanese Knotweed.

MMP Material Management Plans

Redstart has CL:AIRE qualified QPs in-house and can prepare your Materials Management Plan or complete a QP declarations as required.

Environmental Permitting

Redstart has WAMITAB qualified staff. We also have an environmental permit (No.27 Mobile plant) which can be deployed to assist with the safe remediation of more complex sites.

Specialist Treatments

We can design & install specialist equipment for pump and treat systems including soil vapour extraction and product skimmers. We also offer a range of supporting ancillary services such as radon surveys and topographic surveying.


If suitable feed materials are available on-site during the remediation and enabling works, Redstart can selectively process the materials to provide a range of aggregates to suit the site development needs.


Redstart can classify waste types for disposal and assess the potential for re-use onsite.